Corporate Security System Management


Corporate level risk and security assessments to improve security for your employees and business operations are one of DRK’s core functions.

DRK offers you niche assessments, field/facility surveys and observations to define the security sensitivities and vulnerabilities, as well as plans for mitigation measures and protective precautions in any location of Turkey for site, facility, regional levels.

DRK also provides company/project leaders and managers with reports & analysis and security trainings as to contribute in the business continuity and resilience of the corporations.

DRK advices on how to plan and implement the security measures during the site operations, transfers, travels and logistics operations.

Corporate Projects’ Security Management

A day-to-day physical actual (on the spot) security management function for your operational sites, work stations, travels and transfers.

This function is carried out by the joint and coordinated performances of central DRK Security Analysts and local DRK Security Managers.

Necessary risk and security assessments along with the required periodic reports are inherently provided in the context of this management activity.

Project Security and Site Security Management

Project Security and Site Security Management

This is a physically performed day-to-day security management activity. This function is generally a natural continuation of the security assessments and plans which were previously prepared by DRK Analysts pertaining to a specific site, facility or a business operation. DRK implements security management functions on permanent or periodic basis and provides security updates to your corporation as necessary. This function may be achieved via designated permanent site security managers and/or via periodic surveys by Company Analysts. Importantly, DRK does not employ armed or unarmed security personnel but does advice you on the best suited security armed/unarmed manning fashions. DRK can also advise you on the selection, employment, management, performance testing of the security companies in the scope. DRK also assists you in development of the most cost-effective physical measures to be established in your sites and facilities. These may include the establishments of physical security tools and precautions like fencing and CCTV establishment, best suited high tech security equipment and the access control mechanisms as well. DRK Security Management function may also include the provision of security training to your company’s staff as well as development of security awareness through security inductions, updates and trainings. Else than the physical measures mentioned so far, DRK Security Management function may also deal with deterrence methods and Intrusion Tests regarding your facility or site.

Security Check-Ups

Travel Risk Management

A security check up is intended to play the parallel role of a quick medical check up of a human health conditions. This primarily aims to provide a security situation awareness to the Corporate/facility/site managers on their own security status. As such, a security check up is a brief list of security measures which should be implemented to be in secure conditions of different levels. Security check ups are performed in different levels such as ful lor quick security check ups. After a quick security check up in any organization, DRK experts rates the grading levels of; “excellent”, “good”, “fair”, “moderate”, “poor” and “alarming”. A full security check up aditionally includes a short written risk analysis along with the preventive and corrective measures required.

Security Assessment & Planning

Includes a comprehensive package of security precautions and measures which are to be followed during the respective phases of the projects and business operations. Security plans and assessments are typically based on the risk assessments and they put forward the security parameters and respective measures in an analytical order. A typical security plan contains 2-20 pages depending on the volume and scope of the business project that it is related to.